Local and federal law enforcement of Los Angeles came to join Pacifica at the Fast Breaking Dinner in Westwood office. Before the fast breaking meal, a video was shown to the audience. During the video presentation, it was emphasized that individuals come to the understanding that how much a person is weak because a drop of water is of extreme value. And the empathy people can feel by suffering themselves of thirst and hunger and being more helpful towards the needy. Ramadan also enables one to get rid of the veil of heedlessness. Ramadan is the time to fast for the sake of God, restraint from physical need of food and water. During Ramadan muslims pray for assistance of daily endevoours from God. Near the end of the video presentation, call to prayer also signified the fast breaking time. We had conversations and chats of our daily lives and routines during the fast breaking meal. We also realized during the meal, how much we had in common even though we had different professions, religions and traditions.
After our meal, guests from each table shared a few words of reflection. All of our guests commended Pacifica Institute for reaching out to the local and federal law enforcement agencies to initiate such a dialog and sharing the presentation of values during the month of Ramadan. They also emphasized how difficult to bridge gaps between different peoples and cultures, but it is of utmost importance and significance and necessity.