Pacifica Institute hosted annual Early Thanksgiving dinner at the East Bay branch. This years theme was built on remembrance of neighborhood values. E We had many guest from different ethnical,cultural and religious backgrounds and the night started with traditional “turkey” dish.

We listened their remarks from Ameena Jandali from Islamic Networks Group and Marianne Farina, C.S.C from Graduate Theological Union regarding the importance of neighborhood values. They mainly focused caring about our neighbors. More importantly,  especially in the global world, where getting smaller due to technological advancements, the definition of neighbor has changed drastically. We cannot just ignore the horrific events happening across the globe just because we are not close to them physically.

The night continued with traditional Turkish pumpkin dessert along with lively conversations about the importance of being thankful for what we have. In an effort to extend friendship and truly give thanks for the many blessings surrounding us, we are encouraging you to knock on your each other’s doors in order to better get to know your neighbors.





