BAYCC and Pacifica Institute of Norcal celebrated another festive occasion, Eid Al Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice with our members and our community. Eid al Adha is all about hospitality, sharing and coming together as a community which are reflections of Prophet Abraham’s life. Muslims observe this special time of year and commemorate Abraham’s sacrifice through the tradition of Pilgrimage to Mecca, and the practice of Qurban, which is  slaughtering an animal by those who have the means to share with the less fortunate.


As proud members of Bay Area fabric, BAYCC and Pacifica are pleased to continue the Qurban tradition and donate a total of 1200 lb halal meat to be used in food support and sheltering efforts by community organizations and faith houses around the Bay Area. We are happy to be a part of the great services provided and would like to extend our special thanks to our donors, volunteers and especially partners,


Here is our partners this year in 2020:


San Francisco: City Hope Community Center, Episcopal Community Services, SF Muslim Community Center
Richmond: Greater Richmond Interfaith Program
Oakland: Tiny House Project, Islamic Cultural Center of Nor Cal
South Bay: Rahima Foundation, Hope’s Corner/LAUMC