Irvine City Mayor Speaks at Pacifica Institute

The mayor’s offered the audience a great insight into the working of the City of Irvine and its surroundings.

The mayor explained that we will recover from this recession sooner than other city’s by using the 14 million surplus out of 21 million total surplus for improvements in the city. One of these major projects is improving the way IBC (Irvine Business Complex) works. IBC welcomes 192000 workers of traffic coming in to various people to work everyday but only some of them live here and we want to bring more people closer to the business complex in order to increase the city’s revenue.

New businesses in IBC total over 4500. The mayor talked about a plan to expand the IBC shuttle service to Irvine Station and UCI and to make the Great Park Public Transportation a part of the vision of the great park and greater Irvine. The new plan will be funded initially by prop 116 and 121.3 million will be available for public transportation from the prop that passed in 1990. This is a model for the OC. This will help with the environment and traffic as well.

Education is the best in the region IPS (Irvine Public Schools) and lets keep it this way. School class sizes grew from the low 20’s to the high 30’s “let’s all think as a community how we can improve this”, the Mayor Stressed.

Lastly the Mayor added, “The Great Park is real, it is coming and it is coming fast, as you will all see I am sure with the Anatolian Event” this park is being built for the century. OC Great park will be a showcase to the world. As all come to Disneyland they will also visit the Great Park. 60 years ago it was a blessing that the Marine Corps picked El Toro, this left us the place for the Great Park.