Around the Fountain: Muslims Must Combat the Extremist Cancer

– Around The Fountain –

(Discussion on articles from The Fountain Magazine)

This month’s Article:

“Muslims Must Combat the Extremist Cancer”

“The Fountain” is a bimonthly magazine full of articles that cover themes on life, belief, knowledge, and universe.

Thursday, January 14th, 2016 @ 6:30 pm

Pacifica Institute – OC

18022 Cowan # 100, Irvine, CA 92614

You can find out more about the publication by visiting the website below:

Click here for the link to the article

Sounds interesting? To join in on the conversation and be heard, please register below for the upcoming “Around the Fountain” program.


Light snacks and tea will be available during the program.

For any questions, concerns, suggestions or requests to be a speaker in one of the discussions please send your emails to, subject: Around the Fountain.

About the Article

“Muslims Must Combat the Extremist Cancer,” the lead article, was recently published in the Wall Street Journal (August 27, 2015). The article clearly posits that for terrorists who claim to be Muslims Islam is no more than a nominal part of their identity. Fethullah Gülen, the author of this article, does not only describe terrorism as a “cancer,” but he also puts forward possible solutions to stop it before it metastasizes. It is a call first and foremost on Muslims themselves to denounce violence, stating that “having suffered oppression is no excuse.” Gülen emphasizes Islam’s core ethics, which hold life sacred and immutable, and these ethics cannot be overruled by any cultural or political justification. He further underlines the importance of education, both in the sciences and arts as well as in religion, so that religious freedom is observed and the twisted ideologies of unqualified and radical figures do not dominate society.