Pacifica Speakers Bureau (PSB)

Pacifica Institute welcomes you to this new initiative where we want to serve as a source to individuals and communities that would be interested to hear the perspective of an expert about a topic. A roster of close to 50 speakers would offer high quality presentations and speeches across the western side of the United States. 

These diverse speakers present their topics at the local communities, schools, universities, diverse communities, non-profits and companies wherever there need be.

Pacifica Speakers Bureau- PSB will serve as a bridge where there is a venue for the speakers in interfaith engagement and understanding, freedom of speech in media, religious extremism, islamophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, conflict resolution, peace building and social issues. 


The objectives of this initiative are to benefit and educate local communities on issues related to the community, to build social capital via engaging publics and promote an interfaith-intercultural understanding, to dispel current myths and stereotypes about various traditions and religions and to begin intellectual discussion with the ultimate goal of conflict resolution and overcome misunderstanding and fear of the unknown and others.

If you have questions about the PSB program or requesting a speaker, please contact us by email at 

For each speaker request, please provide:

  • Name of organization
  • Name, address, e-mail, phone number of organization’s contact person
  • Time and place
  • Speaker(s) and/or topic(s) desired
  • Audience

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