Pacifica Institute’s volunteers were hosted by the Church in Ocean Park on Sunday, January 22nd.

Pacifica Institute’s volunteers were hosted by the Church in Ocean Park on Sunday, January 22nd. At the Sunday service Mr. Ozgur Koca presented a lecture titled Muslim Perspective of Interfaith Dialogue. Mr. Ozgur Koca talked about the importance of educating ourselves about different religions and the need to have a healthy dialogue between religions. He illustrated his point by drawing on some of the words of the Quran and some selections from the Prophetic tradition of the Prophet Mohammed. Mr Koca elaborated on the intrinsic value of interfaith dialogue from the perspective of Islam. The attendees later shared with the group from Pacifica Institute how they had benefited from the lecture and learned new things about the Islamic traditions. The congregation members agreed that in order to have a cohesive society we all needed to engage in interfaith dialogue. After a question and answer session Pacifica Institute volunteers and the congregation of the Church in Ocean Park shared a potluck style meal. Pacifica Institute served Ashure (Noah’s Pudding) to the attendees.